













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


I remember..
I'm panicking.. I'm screwed.. I'm dead! I wish my ...
Fushigi Yuugi Genbuu is C-O-O-L!
Wonderful Day..
The Fourth Counter
My Sleep is Deprived Enough!

OsTrich Joan

What's wrong with me?! Why are my grades SOOOOOOOOO Lousy?! BECUZ I didn't study enough!
-I have seen a big slacker during the holidays and not even touching my HW till like week 3 of the holidays..
-I'm the biggest procastinator of all time..
-I'm a failure..
-I'm a lazy girl..
-I'm everything what JC doesn't require any good student to be..
-I got too caught up in anime and manga and neglected my studies..
This is a good wake-up call for me.. I have to study more.. From this week-end, even though I really do not want to.. This term and next term till Nov 23rd..
I must study more and cannot slack anymore.. Sure it pains me to study and study without a life.. But I'm sure it would be sweet to get the fruits of labour.. i.e. A's for my A Level.. It is still possible now.. I just gotta force myself to do it and I know I jolly well can!
I hate Susan! How could she torture me like tat?! Do u know how fast my heart was beating when she was giving out those papers 1 by 1 and started to talk to the pple before giving out to them?! My heart was practicallly in my throat and ready to jump out.. 1 by 1, as she gave out the papers.. I waited in fear.. My hands are trembling.. I felt the guilt of not doing enough papers.. Vanda was beside me.. Probably thinking bout the same thing that we flung the paper.. Then! Susan walked towards out table.. She first asked Vanda what she thought she scored.. Then she just gave Vanda the paper.. Now, it's my turn.. She.. Totured me by asking me how I think I scored and if I think I failed the paper.. I refused to answer as I knew I couldn't have scored well.. She persisted and kept asking until she sensed I'm bout to vomit or smth.. She gave me the paper.. And asked me izzit that I didn't study for paper 1 at all.. Well, I did.. Just that it's probably not enough.. Since paper 1 is sooooo many topics.. My small brain couldn't handle the formulas well I guess.. I think Susan probably enjoyed that very much.. I think I turned pale or smth.. Haiz.. I scored very lousy! I only need 1 more mark to a better grade but sadly, can't find any calculation errors in there..
Bio was as bad.. But at least the teacher didn't give out the papers.. So there are no questioning bout how badly I fared.. Arghh.. Now it's 2 marks to a better grade.. I studied for Bio! I really did.. Though it's kinda of last-min.. But I really tried to memorise most of the crazy crappy stuff that I had to.. Clemy is soooo evil.. He! How could he cheat our feelings! There was no coming out of transport in Humans and I spent quite some time swallowing those information becuz they were more popular questions! True that I tried to spot questions.. But I did that only becuz it's seriously crazy to memorise so many things.. I diligently checked red spot for the more common questions set from past years papers.. How would I know such "cold door" questions would come out! Moreover, the section B is madly packed with thinking-application questions! Of cuz I didn't have enough time in the end.. My essay, structured questions screwed.. MCQs are still the best.. At least I had an A-grade for it.. But the 2 heavy bulk ones pulled my grade all the way down..
Econs is bad.. I failed my DRQ even though did pretty well in MCQs.. What's the point?! MCQ is worth the LEAST! Haiz.. I know I'm gonna die for my essay.. I really didn't expect my DRQ to fail.. It's depressing..
Chemistry! Arghh! How I wish I could return to secondary school where Chem WAS a breeze for me! I dread taking it back.. When Mr Ng was going through the common mistakes for MCQs.. I already have 2 wrongs! I'm soooo dead.. So screwed.. I'm scared like hell of every question he's going through as we haven't got our papers back yet.. But only the answers.. I believe apple was really irritated at me esp. as I was making quite a din at the back of the class after every question.. I fear to look at the answers.. I'm escaping from reality.. I know, I can jolly well check the answers.. But I just do not have the courage to.. It's a relieve to see each MCQ I got correct.. Sure, my friends probably, like, score A's for every of their tests.. But I didn't.. I'm scared and petrified to the point of getting sick before every paper is being returned..
After every exam, I chunk my papers into the drawer so that I will not see it before the papers are returned.. Also not to spoil my mood..
My poor time management of studying becuz of BIO made me neglect the other subjects.. There's no one to blame but myself for choosing such a crazy combi.. Chemistry and Econs on the same day! How crazy can it be?! After writing till my hands froze and numb from the cold.. I had to prepare for the next big CHEM test..
Wish me luck on my poor birthday when I'm gonna get a triple whammy.. GP.. Econs Essay and Chemistry.. Good luck to myself..
p/s to hueyeng - Is my blog very long?

All Hail Britannia on Friday, July 07, 2006
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