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Con Te Partiro


I'm panicking.. I'm screwed.. I'm dead! I wish my ...
Fushigi Yuugi Genbuu is C-O-O-L!
Wonderful Day..
The Fourth Counter
My Sleep is Deprived Enough!
Youtube, U're my life-saver!
Clay is on AMI!
Slam Dunk OVA 10/10!


Finally! The 3 horrible days of school is finally over and I will have my nice little short break now.. I'm screwed for all my tests.. I dun wanna get any results back.. I hate to be so stupid all the time cuz I need to study like hell to score a little bit better than usual.. Haiz.. My brain cells are 99.9% dead.. Leaving 0.1% for breathing, moving, eating, peeing, shitting, watching anime, reading manga all over again, playing computer games and blah blah..
Yay yay! Prince of tennis manga 33 is finally out in Singapore! Damn that it came out soooo slow! The japanese one was out in Mid-May for goodness sake! Then end of June then Singapore finally have?! What the hell.. Anyway, it features the continuation of Tezuka's encounter with that girl who calls him a thief.. Tezuka fans must have been sooooo angry.. Haha! Thx goodness it's not my Fuji.. Bwahahaha! Ok.. Back to the manga.. The girl is coaching Tezuka.. I dunno how and why he actually allowed her to coach him.. Haha.. Mystery.. Anyway it's just crapping about how Tezuka actually overcame his fear of injuring his shoulder again and hence completed his ultimate move - Hyaku Ren Jitoku no Kiwami
As Tezuka played against Kabaji using Hyaku Ren Jitoku no Kiwami.. He was trashing Kabaji 5-0 until Kabaji finally learned the move and use it against Tezuka.. This.. I find it wrong.. Initially, I thought that Tezuka will have an easy win against Kabaji since Tezuka is, u know.. TEZUKA! Fuji admits Tezuka is super strong.. So there is no doubt bout that.. It started to rain after the score was 5-3 Tezuka leading.. Then suddenly, Kabaji keep hitting the ball out of court as he lack the practice in rain.. Even so, he actually manage to fight all the way and lost with small margins to Tezuka 7-6..
All the while, Tezuka, in my mind, is the super-duper cool one, even though he ain't my favourite character.. I like him a LITTLE bit nonetheless (even wad he said about Fujiin Episode 175).. Hmph! When he won by soooo little.. Having to play for the 7th pt against Kabaji.. My opinion of him really drop a lot.. Especially with him having the advantage since he was leading 5-0 AND Kabaji wasn't able to play properly in the rain.. Does this mean that Tezuka will really lose to Kabaji if there's no rain? I sure hope not.. It would be insulting! Becuz even Tensai Fuji never got to play against Hyotei in the nationals.. I'm glad that Fuji wasn't against Kabaji or my heart will break seeing how easily Kabaji using Fuji's sacred triple and 4th counter..
Now.. I really finish watching Fushigi Yuugi! Yes.. All the episodes from the original anime to all 3 OVAs.. I must and have to conclude again that I can't stand the OVAs! It sucks and I feel I wasted my precious time to watch it.. Seriously.. Why did that MAYO survive?! An evil like her should die a horrible death for trying to steal Tamahome away from Miaka when they're already married.. I can't believe Tamahome actually knelt on 1 knee to her and thanking her becuz she save Konan.. Dotz.. It's MIAKA who did that for goodness sake! She sent her baby to the other world becuz she sensed the danger there.. Stupid plot isn't it.. Duh..
Miaka gave birth to a son who's name Kou.. Kou Sukunami.. Must be a cute fellow from wad I see in the manga.. :)
Before I forget.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tamahome! 28th June!

All Hail Britannia on Wednesday, June 28, 2006
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