













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


My lifespan is shortened. (I traded eyes with a Sh...
happy valentine day to all!
I started working as a CSO in CPF board last Tuesd...
Those horrendous days of admin are finally over. I...
I'm tired, lethagic and lifeless as a dummy. This ...
I knew it! I confirmed it today and once and for a...
Now that I quitted my job. I've a little more time...
My first day
At IMM lies a shop called Comics Connection. In th...
Arghh! I'm itching to watch Bleach, Death Note an...

What an Unlucky day

This is Soooo boring! Currently in the office listening to idiotic phone calls. My luck is really down today. I wish I'm at home watching anime instead of answering stupid and unreasonable people. Arghhh!
Yesterday was a relatively peaceful day. Today is horrendous! The second call I got demand an apology from someone from the APD. Dotz, that idiotic guy DEMAND me to him to APD for dunno whatever reason even though I told him the reason for him getting a rejection letter. Sucks! Like that helps. I was so tempted to hang up his call. It's just that I don't want to start a bad day for him. And that's what I got in return. Even more stupid calls. This sucks! OMG, Singapore seriously got a lot of people with Tofu brain.
Give u an example.
A woman with the most serious case of Tofu brain I ever encountered ask me why she has lesser shares than her friends since they were alloted the same amount in the first place. However, she already encashed some of her shares out. OMG. There's something seriously wrong with her. Perhaps she came from outer space? Does not understand any human language? I seriously pity those people who are related to such these dodo-s. Oops, aren't Dodo-s extinct?
Haiz, thank goodness this is my last week working here. My IQ dropped to rock-bottom after a mere few weeks. Any longer, I may forget my own name or how to breathe even!
I gotta start applying for those Uni courses already. With such a horrendous GP grade of C6, I don't really got many choices. Not that I'm unhappy with my grade. I'm really happy about it, such that it's the DRAGON year! There are sooo many smart people and the competition is great. Yeah, my grades may allow me to enter Nanyang Business school in other years, but this year? It's greatly not confirmed. I really do not know what to choose other than Business course. I really DO NOT want to take Science any longer. I do not like Science as a career. Yuck, I gotta wash dirty and contaminated test tubes. Expose myself to radioactive chemicals and get premature wrinkles and CANCER and DIE! Social sciences cannot get my a job that I can enjoy. I'm not a VERY caring and sympathetic person in the first place. Not brought up that way I guess. Never like shows that show people of GREAT courage. Prefer more shallow shows of the Rich and Famous. So what shall I choose after Business?!
Heee, my parents bought me an I-pod last Sunday. It rocks! My 1st MP3! I'm gonna take real good care of it!

All Hail Britannia on Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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