













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


My first day
At IMM lies a shop called Comics Connection. In th...
Arghh! I'm itching to watch Bleach, Death Note an...
My New Year Resolutions:1. Work hard and earn more...
My JC life is officially over. I need not ever wea...
Wooo! The A lvls is OVER!
No more Econs!
1 week and 1 day more.
Before After TY Estee! Ty sooo much for allowi...

Now that I quitted my job. I've a little more time to watch anime. Heee. However, this will not continue for long though. I still gotta find one asap, hopefully next week. Really looking forward to thursday when I'll be seeing Koko, Yvonne, Jason, Francis and probably Junjie to eat at Suki! Yay! Work at Diners was fun because of them!
Winnie asked me and Stone if we are interested to be tour guides for Japanese student for a day! It's a good job though I think I'm too lousy for it. It's nice to be asked though. Hahahaha. That Celine ar, not that I want to lose my temper. Owe some money so long! Still dare tell me she very poor and gotta pay in instalments. Well, I'm not a credit card where u have up to 48 mths of interest free instalments.. E very time see her she will say, "Why never remind me! Must remind me!" I was like, WHAT THE HELL! I so kind lend u money so that U can attend this class with us still tell me I must remind u, as if I ur maid izzit?! Sometimes, I just can't stand this girl. Well, I reminded her today. If she doesn't return me all the money she owes me, I'm gonna turn nasty for sure. And we all won't like a Nasty me.
We learnt how to contruct a sentence in Jap. A wa B desu. I wrote on my paper, L wa tensai desu. Somehow, Ms Nakamatsu read it to be Watashi wa tensai desu. Dotz, what's worst is that she read it out loud. So paisei! As if I so bhb say myself is a genius! ... She still ask the class if they know what's the meaning of Tensai. Omg, a normal person who knows Chinese should know. There's this woman in class who sat beside me. She's crazy! I dunno why the hell is she in Beginners' class. In my opinion, she should be in the Intermediate class. Gosh, she knows like all those vocabulary Sensei says and she reads those hiragana words really really quickly compared to the whole class. Jessica says that she studies so much until her hair is falling at a amazing rate. So evil. Haha. But that woman is really creepy. She was another class. Why transfer to our class? It's getting so cramp in here.
Went to North Point Poh Kim VCD shop today for an 'interview' which consists of writing a form and some basic questions while standing the whole time. Lolx. Then I finally went to Tenchi to find my manga but in vain. How long izzit going to take! I'm pissed.
I just want to say, Bleach Rocks! Heee! I didn't wait for it for a year for nothing! Yay! Why won'y Bryan believe me! He told me to choose between Naruto and Bleach. That's difficult ok?! Each has its good points. Though for both, the fillers ain't anywhere good, in other words, suxy. Bleach 110 is the best! Vaizards and Arrankaru! They so rock and are soooo powerful! Heee! I can't resist! How I wish there is Bleach everday for me to watch. Or best, it's all finished and I've all the time to watch it. Muahahahaha! But, that can only happen in my dreams.

The Vaizards!

All Hail Britannia on Tuesday, January 16, 2007
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