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Con Te Partiro


Seiran Rocks!
Sentosa is fun!
OsTrich Joan
I remember..
I'm panicking.. I'm screwed.. I'm dead! I wish my ...
Fushigi Yuugi Genbuu is C-O-O-L!

taken all back

Today is my 18th birthday.. The world cup finals.. The day I get all of my mid-year papers back..
I did not score well.. None of my A' subjects hit my target..
The worst is Econs.. I failed my essay terribly.. I'm the worst in class.. Haiz.. So sad.. I know, this is becuz I didn't preapre it enough.. I only spent 1 miserable night trying to cramp everything into my head.. It's no wonder why my Econs is sooooo lousy! Haiz.. I'm getting an E for it - 49/100! Haiz.. My essays are nv up to standard! So wad if my MCQs are good? I failed essay and DRQ! I'm used to failing my essays but not DRQ.. It's so disappointing though I know it's all my fault as I didn't put in effort! How can I neglect a subject and still expect to score well for it?!
The other 3 subjects.. Maths, Biology and Chemistry.. They're not my target grade yet.. I must aim better for my Maths and Chemistry.. I gotta try to get A for both for them for my Prelims in September.. I will practice and practice.. As for Bio, I'm happy with a decent B.. But sadly, I wasn't able to get any of those desired results..
Maybe I still have a chance in Biology.. There are MCQs where the teachers' answers are different from the TYS.. And those questions happen to be those which I have the same answer as the TYS.. The teachers will be discussing bout it.. Can't hope too much, but still, I hope I can have those 2 marks.. Then my Biology will get B!
I can't find another mark in Maths to push my grade up to a more decent B than an ugly C! What the hell! Why do I have soooo many accuracy remarks in my paper? There're 3 of them! They minus marks for that and I badly need that 1 mark! Arghh! I shud have done the stats part first! Why the hell did I do the Paper 1 part first! Wasted.. I just barely pass that! Shud have known that my Stats have much more hope than Paper 1..
Got Chemistry today.. Seh.. Mr Chua.. He gave papers according to grade from the worst to the best.. I hate it when teachers do that.. Yeah, sure it's a good way to gauge.. But it's soooo depressing lahz! Stupid teacher who marked my paper.. I dunno who.. His/her eyes must have failed him/her! Never give me my 8 mark! 8 marks lehz! 6 marks when converted to over 100.. It can change a whole grade lahz! Scare me to hell when I saw my Chemistry was a C! Omg.. I nv want that to happen again.. I remembered crying last year in class becuz I got a C in Chemistry.. 1st time in my life! ... I will study more.. This time, I screwed becuz of MCQs and Free Response.. I know that I could have done much much better in my MCQs.. I had no lack of stupid careless mistakes! Today, I grow older.. I got the courage to pick up my pen and mark my MCQs to prepare for the worst.. It wasn't good.. Sure, it's an A-grade.. But well, all my MCQs are of A-grade.. I dunno wad else can help me if I screwed my MCQs.. I studied Chemistry a little last min.. A little in the 3rd week of the holiday and the rest on the Saturday and on the day on the test after Econs exam.. I must find out my mistakes for all of them and must not repeat them.. If I dun do well for Chemistry.. I probably can't do well for any other subjects..
The only subject I find satisfactory is General Paper.. Wow, what a surprise.. I've been failing GP for of this year, without passing even once in any test! Now I manage to pass it overall! Yay! Even though it's just pass.. 47/100! But who cares.. My aim for A'lvls will be a C anyway.. I dun think I can ever climb to a B.. Anyway, I thought that I would fail this time too.. When I got back my Paper 2 Compre.. I was shocked to see that I got 16/50! That's like 32%, which is an F9! When I was bout to give up hope, I took my Paper 1 and to my pleasant surprise, I actually got 31/50 for it! Soooo happy! I nv once got more than 25 for any exam! Haha.. The topic I did was about Computers games.. Duh.. The only essays I passed for GP so far are those on Computer games.. I failed all the rest without fail.. The marks usually range from 19-21/50.. Depressing huh? Thank you soooo much Ms Daljit! I love you! U gave me hope I nv had in GP! Thank you sooo much! Muacks!
My life is so gray.

All Hail Britannia on Monday, July 10, 2006
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