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Completed Blog
Thank You So Much, My Dear Orange!
Korean shows make me so mad sometimes...
PW is really getting on my nerves! I hate it! Esp...
0h My Freaking God! I Can't Believe It.
It's Out! I Finish Watching It!
I'm so Stupid!
25 days has gone !

Nearly over

Yes, it's nearly finished! Only half more paper left to go! Econs Paper 1 & 2 on monday.. Such a stupid combination! Today we had Chemistry and Chinese, don't wish to talk bout any bout the subjects i took.. The greatest thing is Thurs to Sunday NO SCHOOL! How cool is tat! Muahahaha!

After the Chinese paper, a group of us (Vanda, Jessica, Thaimun, Corrina, Angelina, Ruiqi, Yanling and me!) went to Yishun GV to watch Corpse Bride.. It was an okay show lahz.. Not bad.. I enjoyed the singing part a lot.. However, I feel that tat idiot guy shudn't die so easily.. He just drank the poison Victor is supposed to drink to die.. So easy! That idiot caused the death of the corpse bride, Emily.. Victor is about to marry Victoria.. They first met when Victor was playing the piano and sort of flirted with each other.. Lolx.. They sound more like siblings to me.. Haha.. It's so ironic, the living world is soooooo dull.. Everything is in dull colurs.. Then suddenly go to hell, so lively.. Wierd.. Maybe that's what the director wants to say.. There was a scene at the ending which is very nice.. When the dead went to the world of the living, the people were at first all terrified.. Then 1 little boy step forward, and realize that one of them is his grandpa.. After that, many reunions are seen.. Kinda cool..

The thing that really caught me is not the movie but a preview.. Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire! It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cool! Awesome beyond words.. They didn't cut the Yule Ball! There was a scene where Viktor lifted Hermy in his arms.. So sweet.. Hermy looks damn pretty in the Yule Ball.. There was a close-up on the arrival of Drumstrang and Beauxbaton.. It's really nice.. The ship suddenly came out frm the lake, the carriage was flown down by horses? Then I saw Cho Chang! Pretty but not as pretty as Hermy or Fleur.. They didnt cut the Quidditch Cup too! So touched.. It's one of my favourite chapters.. Mad-eye Moody looks gross though.. The first task (Stealing the golden egg frm the Hugarian Horntail) looks really cool too as Harry's riding on his firebolt.. The 2nd task (rescuing Ron frm the merpeople), the lake was really green.. Haha.. The 3rd task is amazing! The maze can actually move! I was so awe-struck that I was unaware that I had grabbed Jessica's arm really tightly.. It's so awesome.. It's coming out too! Nov.. I think it's on the 18th.. I must watch it on the first day if not the preview.. I must and I will.. Nothing will get into my way!

Lastly, there's this membership thing for a year in comics connections for only $10! Anime vcds are sold at only $22.50 to members.. Jessica and I are probably going to share to become members.. Haha! We bought calender cards for next year.. Sesshoumaru ones.. He jus look so awesome.. Aww..

All Hail Britannia on Wednesday, October 05, 2005
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