













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


Finally can release all the tension that is accumu...
Thou shall mention nought about the horrible exam ...
I just finished watching 24 episodes of Romeo x...
I hate Maplestory! I seriously do. My wagner is go...
Good Riddance to OB. I will never touch it again!
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and p...
3 cheers for manga today! Syuusuke won...
I bought a Nodame Cantabile album! It consists ...
Finally some manga are getting better. Just when I...

Just had my first dose of tour guiding today. It's sooo tiring. My ankles and knee hurt like mad when walking. It was very fun though. I won't mind if my part time job is somewhat like this. At least I get to have fun though it is super tiring. Let's just hope I get girls that do not walk soooo fast next time.

The 5 guys are from Aichi Perfecture. Hmmm, I only heard of that place from Slam Dunk but never gone there of course. Thank god Hiroki-kun (my savior) can understand my horrible English+Japanese mix and able to translate to the others! Heng! We walked many many places in 6 hours. From One Fullerton to Arab Street to Little India to Chinatown to Orchard Road. ARGH! Someone save me. Not to mention that my bag is crazily heavy. I keep seeing a lot of Jap students today everywhere. Why is that so? Is today a special day for Jap students to go outings? It's sooo lucky! Why aren't there any exchange programs in my secondary school to go to Japan?! None at all. I hate AI to the max at times.

Actually, today is considered a cool humid day in Singapore but Syunichi-kun keeps repeating ATSU every 15 seconds. Because of that, I begun to feel ATSU as well and kept fanning. Those guys are awesome, I cannot tahan how can they tahan Singapore's weather with that seemingly thick sweater even with the sleeves folded up to the elbow. It's damn hot lahx. Plus, Toshiyuki-kun wore 2 long sleeves shirts. OMG! No wonder he was sweating like hell! Toshiyuki-kun is a pro shopper. The way he shops scares me! Enter a shop and his wallet will be much lighter I guess. Hahahaha. The first shop we entered, he spent like $40 already because everything was like 3 for $10. A nice family boy he seems to be, buying loads of presents for his mother and grandmother. 3 pouches. 3 wallets. 30 keychains. Apron. Hankerchief. Stationary. And I can't remember what else. His bag was bursting until he couldn't put everything in and had to carry some in a plastic bag. LOLX.

I think I'm really lousy at tour-guiding. But well, it's my first, I didn't know what to do, where to go and how to go. Kinda of pathetic. I felt a bit bad talking very little to Masakazu-kun and Shinya-kun because they are always at the back!!! Too far. Haiz, only Hiroki-kun is nice enough and able to chat with me. Dotx. Oh yeah, please, if I ever get to go Chinatown with a group, do not ask me to eat McDonalds! There is so much good food at Chinatown and I had to eat McDonalds. !!!

All Hail Britannia on Thursday, December 06, 2007
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