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Con Te Partiro


Edward Cullen is perfect! Luckily Stone gave me so...
I've been reading much too many Vampire books at 1...
I went to Suntec today to view the travel fairs. M...
Hee, spotted a really cute short anime film today...
What subjects am I taking in NBS? Statistical & ...
I did it! I finished reading Harry Potter and the ...
ARGH! The frightful day has arrived! Damn, I only...
Watched this awesome movie called 時をかける少女 aka The...
ARGH! Shoot me in the head. I'm so dead and screwe...

See, the poster is soooo misleading! I thought Byakuya is gonna play a significant row.
I just finished watching Bleach: Memories of Nobody. I was very disappointed by it. Hey, I waited 9 whole mths for this movie to be subbed and it didn't satisfy me that much. Apparently, I overestimated the benefits of watching this movie. My Byakuya only came out as the main guy for 30sec! That's half a min in a 1.5hr movie. To illustrate this, the percentage is 1/180 of the movie. I'm so sad! I waited, waited and waited. All the other Captains were out except him! Hitsugaya, Kenpachi, Soifon... Then finally, 1:17:42, Byakuya-sama appeared! "Be honoured that you will die from my Bankai. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." Then all those lousy small fry charaters die. Well, of course that will happen. But why can't Byakuya come out earlier?! ARGH... This bleach movie is more shoujo than ever before. Yucks I don'y like it. Bleach should be pure Shounen! Ichigo seem to like Senna a bit too much. And that Senna obviously likes Ichigo. It's kinda of wierd. Don't really like this movie in short. However, the episode today, Epi140 is good! There were many nice and short and sweet without being too draggy battles. Hitsugaya trashed Luppi, Shinji trashed Grimmjaw, Urahara trashed Yammy and so on. Hahahaha! Finally a decent episode since dunno when. Keep it up!!!

Chiaki conducting!
I love this anime called Nodame Cantabile and is half in love with Chiaki, not because of the looks but the talent. OMG, Chiaki is perfect if I'm reading a storybook of him and listening to his music. He's supposed to be really good looking, rich and super talented in music. He can play the violin and piano super well. WOW, how many pple can actually do both VERY well. Plus, Chiaki conducts. Before watching this anime, I never thought much about conducting. However, conducting is super super much much more difficult than I ever thought. I'm giving more respect to conductors now. Chiaki rocks! How I wish I can hear him play... I always knew I had that weakness for those who can play music sooooo well. Haiz...
YES! Continued from previous post about the Twilight Series. Stone told me a very very good news. Apparently, she went to a bookstore and opened Eclipse and flipped it to the last page. Bella became a vampire. Finally! 3 cheers! I'm sure it was Edward that help her to be 1. Heeee! Edward should just do it sooner. However, we speculated that the transformation is only done in the last chapter *Sobs* since the title of the last chapter is Choice. Well, I guess I have to look at the bright side. Bella became a vampire to be with Edward.
I've been mistaken! The epilodge of Eclipse is by Jacob. Of course he will have extraordinary senses. I still am not sure if Bella was transformed in this book. Of course, she will be transformed sooner or later, I just want it to be sooner. Hmmm, reading some spoilers online, I'm quite sad that Bella said she loved Jacob too, that thought isn't nice. Edward's giving her 100% and she's not doing the same. Okay, maybe she's giving 99%, but still, i rather she gave it 110%. Eclipse is really long! 629 pages! That's about the same length as Harry Potter! The plot is longer for this. In any rate, it should be better than New Moon since Edward's not gonna disappear to somewhere out there. Sorry Jacob, I got nothing against u really, but then, against Edward, Jacob has NO CHANCE! Heee, even in a poll to see who is more popular for Bella, Edward won 87% of the votes. Jacob only 10%. This explains the lot. As usual, I've a super bias person, thus, I want Bella to be with Edward without any distractions. May Edward have a 100% victory!!! He rocks!
My tummy is rumbling now. Guess I just better go to sleep now and face the real nightmare tmr. Stats project isn't gonna be friendly...

All Hail Britannia on Friday, September 14, 2007
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