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ARGH! Shoot me in the head. I'm so dead and screwe...
The Hidden Blade
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Phantom of the Opera Songs: 10/10 Props: 10/10 ...
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He didn't appear at all. I watched, tried real ha...

Watched this awesome movie called 時をかける少女 aka The Girl Who Leapt Through Time yetserday with TM and Stone. At first, the movie didn't give me a good impression. The colours in front were dull and the anime look like 10 years old when it's just a year old. However, looks are decieving. I like the movie very much. It tells a lot about the complexity of our actions with time. Fiddling with time isn't as simple as we think.
真琴 is the main character. A tom-boyish girl with short hair and the ability to leapt through time. She is always with her 2 good friends 工介 and 千秋。I like Chiaki more than Kousuke because he's funnier and cuter. Kousuke is a model student who intends to study medicine and hence a No.1 mugger. Kousuke even mugs when he goes Karaoke. OMG!
I like the way how Makato goes back in time. She would jump from some point and then disappear from there, finding herself rolling to the place she was previously at. However, this Makoto is really バカ, sometimes cannot stand her. She so thick. I wonder what her brain is made of. Dotz. Practically the whole world knows Chiaki likes her and she doesnt know. She even used up a 3-4 times of the time leapt to prevent Chiaki from confessing to her. Stupid girl. Then in the end got a little jealous (not very obvious) when Chiaki went out with her friend. Haiz, poor Chiaki! Well, even Kousuke said that Chiaki will immediately come to play baseball with them if Makoto says she's lonely. Isn't tat obvious. Haiz. Somehow, these anime creators love stupid girls.
Makoto uses her ability for relatively stupid stuff, such as allowing a girl who likes to Kousuke to confess to him and gets accepted. The first time, the girl was rejected because Kousuke said he needs to study more as he lost to a stupid person by 1 mark in a test. That stupid person was Makoto. She got full marks because she reversed time. Hahaha. Makoto felt so bad and felt she had to help that girl. Ridiculously funny to see the confession repeated so many times. Makoto also used 10 times of her Time Leapt to sing Karaoke. Dotz. Well, good thing she's so silly and didn't do any really really serious things.
Then it turns out that her power came from touching the walnut which was Chiaki's. Chiaki came from the future to this era to view a painting that will only exist in this very era. Sad thing. It means that there can never be anything between Chiaki and Makoto. Haiz, broke my heart. So sad, I always like happy endings. Later Chiaki returned to his era and Makoto cried. The way she cried was amusing to Stone somehow. What a saddist she is. However, we both agreed that Chiaki should kiss Makoto before leaving. The pose looked like they're gonna kiss, then it turned out to be a hug only. Damn, we were disappointed. It's like the last time they're gonna see each other. Chiaki still got the cheek to say he'll see her in future. I was thinking wad kinda of relationship will that be? Ermmmm.. Well, maybe there's reincarnation that sort of thing. So what's left is Makoto alone. She still continued to play baseball with Kousuke and the gang of girls that consist of the one crushing on Kousuke.
The ending was lame. But, this is the only way. I like what Chiaki wrote on the blackboard.
Time waits for No one.
The song seems nicer and nicer after I listen to it. I especially love the lyrics since it's so relavent to the movie.
Title of the song: Garnet
English Translations
You were runnning on the playground, and your back was
more free than clouds on the sky, and
even square letters on my notebook
seemed to be the light which emblazed everything
I couldn't understand the feeling of love, but
this time which never return
told me the meaning
I'm going to etch the days which I had with you
for no need for visualizing
even though I will love someoneyou will be always the special, the importance, and
this season come around again
At the after school hours when we first told in private
I searched your smile which nobody knew
With the voice which you had funI didn't know why but my heart ached
I was afraid of changing
I had the feeling which we could be frends
I never thought the end would come
I could meet you in this endless timethat made me strong above all
even though I will reach the tommorow which runs intently
you will be always the special, the importance, and
this season come around again
The summer when you said you would never forget for all time
Time have passed and I now drop tears
I'm going to etch the days which I had with you
for no need for visualizing
even though I will love someone
you will be always the special, the importance, and
this season come around again

All Hail Britannia on Wednesday, July 04, 2007
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