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I did it!
Here Gina comes
I'm In Shock!
Anime madness
a New YeaR

I'm Brainless!

Stupid Villian Aizen Sousuke!
Arghh! How could I've been so blind? I mistook an evil guy-Real evil guy..-for a good guy.. Where're my pupils gone to?! 5th Taijou! I hate u.. Aizen Sousuke.. Surprisingly easy name to remember.. I dunno why I even remembered his name when he's not a outstanding Taijou unlike dear Byakuya in the first place.. Guess, that Aizen is really easy to remember while his name had suke.. Reminded my of my dear Fuji.. Omg.. How can I compare him to my dearest Fuji who's sooo cute.. Aizen Sousuke sucks big time.. Decieved me.. Tried to kill his fu-Taijou Hinamori.. He's not human.. And he said he wanted to become smth higher than god.. By joining forces with hollows? What's he thinking? Crazy guy.. I hoped he fooled everyone who watched Bleach.. Just didn't want to be the only person to be fooled.. At least 3rd Taijou Ichimaru Gin (also dun understand y i remembered his name) was idiotic, sly, disgusting in the very beginning.. So I have already disliked him.. I was kinda of shocked when the 9th Taijou, Tousen Kaname (this I checked for his name.. couldn't remember), was part of their wicked team.. He's a blind guy btw.. Not very stong either.. He's good friends with 7th Taijou Komamura Soji (checked)..
1 more Taijou I hate.. No. 12.. As in the current one.. He's pysco.. Kurotsuchi Mayuri.. Of cuz I wouldn't bother to remember his name.. He's a crazy pyscopath.. Anyone would hate him just listenin to tat gross voice and seeing that perverted look that says 'I wanna cut u up to examine u'.. Eeee.. Dunno how they become Taijous in the beginning..
Byakuya rocks!
Now, for the Taijou I like.. Hehehe..
1. Kuchiki Byakuya! Yippee! *whistles*
He sooo rock.. He's the ultimate cool.. Though I agree that he looks a thousand times better without that stupid white hairclips.. Anyway, I love his attack.. Soooo cool.. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (took me real long to remember thia attack.. Such a long name).. It's soo cool.. and powerful.. How can anyone not like him? Heheheh! Fits my type exactly.. Guess my taste went back to normal.. Eg. Rukawa.. Hahaha! The cool cool cold cold type.. Brrr... *freezing*
Child prodigy Hitsugaya
2. Hitsugaya Toushiro.. Kawaii little 10th Taijou
Never believe age.. He's sooo young.. Yet he definitely rocks.. RAWKS.. His attacks are sooo cool.. Combination of water and ice.. His dragon is sooo powerful.. Bankai too.. Very nice to see him fight.. Esp against baddies like Ichimaru.. Eeeeee.. He's a real gd friend of Hinamori and is always protecting her.. Hitsugaya is also believed to be a tensai.. I think he is..
Fight-loving Saddist Zaraki Kenpachi
3. Erm.. I dunno bout his.. But I like all 3 of them.. 8th, 11th and 13th.. Haha.. Perhaps I'm a sadist.. I do like 11th Taijou Zaraki Kenpachi.. He's soo strong.. He gives his opponents a chance to slash him once before any fight.. Haha.. He's crazily strong.. AND! He doesn't even know the name of his Zanpakuto.. Pro huh.. As for 8th Taijou Kyoraku Shunsui and 13th Taijou Ukitake Juushirou.. Well, they're just nice pple which u can like..
I just love watching action anime..

All Hail Britannia on Tuesday, March 14, 2006
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