













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


a New YeaR
Pride & Prejudice
I'm An Idiot!
Time flies
I got a new handphone!
Wasn't what I thought
Harry Potter's coming to town!
Shocked shocked
I hate endings when people I like die.
Stupid Ending!

Anime madness

Heh.. My bad habit pops out every few entries I write.. This time, It's Prince Of Tennis! It's a very nice anime.. At first, when I was watching the first few episodes, I was wondering why all my friends who watched this said it's awesome.. Now I understand.. Believe me, I had a hard time choosing my favourite character.. Really hard.. It's difficult to choose between Tezuka and Fuji.. While Tezuka always looks really cool and serious, Fuji usually looks super smiley and jolly and jovial.. However, whenever Fuju becomes serious, he looks Very Very Very good! After loads of consideration, I give my favourite vote to Fuji! Fuji Syusuke is my favourite character in Prince of Tennis. Yes, I like Fuji a little bit more than Tezuka.. Another reason is because Tezuka is hurt.. Awww.. I dun want to be too upset of his injury.. He's such a pro.. Fuji Syusuke is erm.. I dunno how to describe.. Let's just say he's a very friendly person.. Heh, guess my taste has changed a little.. Heh, the first time I like someone cute and friendly in anime, used to always go for the dao and cool one..
Fuji's ready to accept a challenge anytime.. That's when u see he opening his eyes.. During usual training, he would not open his eyes..
He's also very comical.. Fuji actually likes drinking Inui's 'Golden High-Power Remix' vegetable juice which is sort of undrinkable.. All the tennis players fear it except for him, Inui and Tezuka.. Kikumaru. Momoshiro and Kaidou are especially fearful of it.. Haha.. When they're training on the reaction of the players, Fuji need not drink tat juice, but then he purposely hit wrongly in order to taste it.. Wierd isn't he.. Tat's not all, he commented to an astonished Inui that the juice was tasty.. Lolx.. On another occasion, when they were running (training Inui had set for them), Momoshiro asked Fuji why he was running so fast since he enjoyed drinking the vegetable juice.. Guess what he replied? "Yes, but I like to see people suffer even more.." Hahahaha! Momoshiro was like.. "Can't be enemies with him.." Lolx..
So far, I like episode 64 a lot.. It was comical.. All the characters were in the short short cute cute form.. Kawaii! Especially Fuji, when he was showing his special move, bears came out.. Tat's because the name of that skill had a bear word inside.. Super cute.. Also, he was playing a flute when they were supposedly the dwarves in Snow White.. Hehehe! How cute can he be!
And there's also Episode 93 and 94.. Haha.. Episode 93 was about Ryoma finding the city and accidently stumbled into a hole where the rest of them lives in.. All the members were dressed as cave people.. So cute! Oishi was practising on the round wheel, Kikumaru was juggling, Takashi was blowing fire, Fuji was playing the string and top acrobats, Momoshiro was on a unicycle, Kaidou was a snake charmer while Inui and Tezuka were skipping at high speed.. It was all so cute.. Then Ryoma got tired of tat life and left.. He went a wrong direction and saw the sea.. There, he saw some bad guys bullying some tortoises (who were actually his friends in reality).. Guess what he said? "Pretend I didn't see anything." Haha! Then Tezuka came to the rescue and the tortoises were saved.. When the tortoises asked Ryoma to choose between a small box and a big box, Ryoma chose the smaller one as he said it's lighter and easier to carry.. What's inside the box? Tennis rackets.. However, as they were cave people, they didn't know what it was for.. Now comes the innovative part.. The tennis rackets are for, beating the blankets, patting the back, washing board, BBQ wire and last but not least, swinging the pants to dry it quickly.. All the Seigaku members were blushing while doing it.. Absolutely Kawaii.. END OF THAT STORY
Next was the bowling part.. In present time.. The tennis club went bowling to celebrate.. Inui had specially prepared a blue vinegar for those who lost or had their ball thrown into the gutter.. haha.. It was really funny.. First who had the ball into the gutter was Kaidou.. He's on Inui's team and then said "I'm ur teammate".. But u can see, the fear in his eyes.. Haha.. Of cuz, Inui is impartial, Kaidou fainted after drinkin it.. Then next was my dear Fuji.. Fuji was not afraid at first.. Well, he liked Inui's vege juice.. Then he drank it sportingly.. The blue vinegar dripped out of the corner of his mouth.. Then he fainted.. Now, everyone was shocked, since Fuji also fainted.. Meaning that the blue vinegar which has evernescence in it is un-consumable.. Slowly, everyone fainted.. Until it left 2 teams.. Ryoma-Momoshiro and the Jrs.. Ryoma and Momoshiro were laughing as they were currently the winners and that in order for the other team to catch up, they need 3 consecutive strikes.. When the Jrs really got 3 strikes, Ryoma and Momoshiro nearly fainted and was forced by the victims to drink that blue vinegar.. Lolx.. Then Inui said, the prize for the winners was RED vinegar, which look worst then the blue one.. Everyone of them practically died in the bowling alley.. Haha..
Then, the next time they played, Fuji suggested pool.. When Fuji took out his American custom made pool stick, Inui realized that Fuji wanted revenge for making him drink that Blue Vinegar.. Haha.. Retribution Inui..
So far, I'm still very crazy bout Fuji Syusuke.. A bad gal called Jessica, knowing that, forced everyone to agree to buy the Fuji pocket watch I wanted to buy for Fongee! Jessica!!! I wan to kill u.. Hey, it's just that I'm short of cash this week and she did something so cruel to me! I'm utterly heart-broken.. As I paid for that watch that was not supposed to be for me..
I also love the part where the Serigaku members were sending Ryoma off at the airport.. The gifts were ridiculous and funny for some.. Takashi gave him a bottle of soy sauce.. Meant for sushi i think.. Momoshiro gave him his most precious tennis grip thingy.. Kaidou gave him a goodbye boomerrang snake shot.. Suh.. Inui gave him data books he compiled for Ryoma.. Then, all of a sudden, Fuji sort of whispered to Kaidou, telling him tat those books, if seen in another school, would fetch really high prices.. Kaidou blushed.. God knows why.. All the tennis members started to stare at Fuji for making such a comment.. Erm.. Pretend I dunno anything.. Then, Fuji gave Ryoma a CD.. Cool.. It's for mediation and is good for sleeping.. Wierd gift I'll say.. But as long as it's from Fuji, anything is good.. Lastly Kikumaru gave Ryoma a plastic bag to put all his stuff and added that it contains a box of chocolates in it for him to eat during the flight.. Hahaha! So cute!
I'm finally finishing watching Prince of tennis.. Arghh! *screams* Why the heck did Fuji lost to Tezuka?! It's just a teeny weeny bit!! They draw at 6-6.. then Tezuka won the tie breaker by 7-5!!! Sob.. Hates this.. Even though I like Tezuka a lot.. I want Fuji to continue his winning streak.. Is there anything wrong? No! Nothing! Fuji, my favourite character actually had tears rolling down his cheeks when he lost.. He, for god's sake, finally realize how bad is it to lose.. Y? Cuz's he a prodigy who always wins.. *.......................* Tezuka is so strong.. He managed to defeat Fuji's triple counter all at once! Damn.. Y so strong.. But then Fuji defeated his Tezuka zone too.. So I guess it's a draw.. Oh yeah, another thing.. I finally get to see Fuji when he's in his first year.. Hey, never got to see it until like episode 174.. I waited so long.. Kept seeing all the rest but him.. He never fails to disappoint me by being soooo cute! Tezuka, I can't forgive u for saying this, "Never really took much notice of Fuji" ......... Open ur eyes! Come on! No wonder u need specs.. No offense.. Fuji so pro! Alright, he may look slacky and wierd and not-so-pro.. But he's the prodigy ok?! PRODIGY! Everyone calls him tat.. He got fantastic winning streaks too.. Hump!
The ending was STUPID.. Ryoma defeated Tezuka.. Okay, it's kinda of expected and all.. Just hoped to see more of the match.. Then suddenly it's like.. Man of the Match.. *Pause* Then Tezuka said, "get up Echizen, I've lost.." Duh.. Then it ended.. Dumb isn't it!
Overall comment after watching soooo many episodes.. 178.. No kidding! It's good.. Makes me think that tennis isn't as gay as I think it is.. No offense.. It's super cool in fact.. Even though those shown in P.O.T. are sort of impossible to perform in real life.. I give it 9.2/10! Very good! Recommend to all who loves sports, esp tennis..

All Hail Britannia on Monday, January 02, 2006
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