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Anime madness
a New YeaR
Pride & Prejudice
I'm An Idiot!
Time flies
I got a new handphone!
Wasn't what I thought
Harry Potter's coming to town!

I'm In Shock!

I'm in a sereve case of shock at the moment.. I lost the battle, fighting with my conscience about watching the last episodes of Gundam Seed Destiny.. See, I had retribution for that.. The last episode sucks! Plain sucky! It's horrible.. Worst of all, I can't understand it.. What the hell are the producers doing? Do u even consider that an ending at all?! Why izzit like Inuyasha's anime ending.. At least the Inuyasha manga didn't stop there.. But then Gundam Seed Destiny had stopped.. Omg.. I can't believe it when I finished watching it..
Firstly, Rey = Cruz !!! No wonder they had the same voice actor.. Hmm.. It was very confusing to watch it if not for me watching Gundam Seed before.. I'll be like huh? who the heck is Cruz or wadever.. *gulps* They kept me in suspense for so long! When Rey said he's a clone, I was like "what?! another Cruz?" Then it occurred to me that Rey could be Cruz since Neo is actually Mwu ra Fraga.. So, Kira was having that de ja vu thingy when he was battling with Rey.. Until, Rey said that he was Cruz.. I'm like.. dotz.. Erm.. Surely this isn't happening to me again.. Or am I having a serious case of lousy-anime-ending-fever.. Eeeek! I totally hate the last episode.. Shinn also said something unforgivable.. He said "I wun be defeated by the likes of you" to my dear kawaii Athrun.. Damn him..
Who the hell he thinks he is?!
Secondly, the relationship is super wierd.. Since Rey is supposed to be Cruz, then why is Rey's mother Talia? It's crazy.. Cruz is like a middle aged man.. Then if Talia was his mum, wun she be like 60? Lolx.. Plain idiotic.. BAKA! Then Rey a.k.a. Cruz shot Durandal just because Kira promised a future?? Okay, this is getting confusing cuz that's exactly what I'm feeling now.. It's insane, lunatic, MAD! How can it be that Rey is Talia's son?! Erm..
Thirdly is nice.. Neo = Mwu !! Yay! However, how could they do this to me.. Made me cry so much becuz I tot that Mwu died! Killed by the Lohengrin.. Fortunately he wasn't.. Hehe! What's best is he regained his memory when he shielded Archangel frm the Tanhauster shot by Minerva.. When all the flashbacks came.. He remember! Remembered that he's with Murrue.. Awww.. So sweet! Then he said, "Wait for me to finish and I shall go home with you." Heheheee!
Forth is nice too.. Athrun and Kira defeated Shinn and Rey in a super short period of time.. Of cuz, that's expected.. But nonetheless, it's pleasing to see it happen.. Oh yeah, Archangel defeated Minerva too! Yay! Archangel rocks! Then here comes the part which is super childish.. Shinn, after being trashed by Athrun was crying in Lunamaria's arms..
*who the heck are you?!*
Shinn.. I must emphasize once again that I hate you! Shinn totally sucks! Eeekk.. Pui.. See his face will vomit.. He thinks he's the only one who is so poor thing and all.. Oh come on?! He poor thing? Many are much more kelian than him! He's also a two-headed snake who two times! EEEEEE! I hate 2-timers! Despise them! An arrogant Bastar*.. !!!! Hate him!

All Hail Britannia on Wednesday, January 25, 2006
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