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Con Te Partiro


Harry Potter's coming to town!
Shocked shocked
I hate endings when people I like die.
Stupid Ending!
Bliss without her..
What is a war we must fight?
Addiction is seeping in..
I was surprised.
Nearly over

Wasn't what I thought

Time started : 2203
The movie wasn't great.. The movie I anticipated should be much better.. My expectations are too high again I guess.. Sad thing..
The beginning was a little wierd.. If I hadn't read the book, I wouldn't have known the movie had started.. Voltemort's snake Nagini was there.. Sliding? Erm.. I dunno the word to describe the movement of snake.. Haha.. Then the title of the movie 'Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire' appears on the large screen.. The movie starts???
What's that muggle's name.. Erm.. Frank? The housekeeper of the Riddles? Haven read the book for nearly a year.. Dun really remember the boring first chapter.. Of cuz.. He peeked and saw the whole Voltemort's plan and all.. Die.. Killed by the Avada Kedavra curse.. No surprise..
Then Harry woke up in Ron's bedroom by Hermione? Erm.. Cut sooooo much.. From what I remembered, he's still at Pivet Drive.. And that the Weasleys were going to bring him to the Barrow.. Dudley was on a diet and the whole family had to follow the diet too to make sure it's fair for Dudley (decided by Aunt Petunia).. The twins purposely dropped a Ton-tongue toffee for Dudley to try.. Then his tongue grew to an emorous size.. Mr Weasley had to make it ok, then they all went to the Barrow by Floo powder..
The Quidditch cup is the most disappointing in my opinion.. They didn't say much at all.. Supposed to have carnivals to sell many stuff.. But there was none in the movie.. They made it sound like sitting on the Top Box was terrible as they will be the ones who feel the rain first.. Hey, in the book, the ministers sat there! How bad can it be? ALSO! Where is Bagman btw! No mentioning of him at all! He's supposed to be one of the judges Hello! The leprechuans too.. They were supposed to be giving out gold.. But only 1 giantic leprechuan appeared after the Irish players.. Veelas? The things I was lookin out for! None.. Nv heard of such a thing in the movie.. Lolx.. All was mentioned was VIKTOR KRUM! Best seeker in the world.. Of cuz I know that.. What I wanted to watch is the muchly anticipated Quidditch match! It easier to see it than read it.. Even though my imagination is quite good I should say.. Wronski Feint.. Haiz.. The better thing? Viktor Krum look better than what he's supposed to be on the broomstick.. The stadium is cool! Even though Bulgaria lost by 10 pts after Krum caught the golden snitch, he's supposed to be surly the whole time and not look like a winner as shown in the movie..
After that, there was no mention at all about the house-elf Winky of Barty Crouch.. No house-elves appeared anyway.. Perhaps the producers and directors find it too troublesome to create new ones..
The Globet was cool.. They changed the movie line a bit by saying that Fred and George was fighting after they couldn't put the Globet rejected their names.. They were laughing and going to the hospital wing actually..
Maybe it's just me.. I hate, ok dislike, this Dumbledore.. He's soooo damn fierce.. Dunno what happen to him.. He's supposed to be serene!! SERENE! Then he's so violent in the movie.. He was grabbing Harry roughly and shouting at him to ask if he had put his name into the Globet of Fire.. I really didn't like seeing this Dumbledore.. The one who had passed away was a much better Dumbledore.. He had the confidence, serenity and the LOOK! The current one sucks lahz.. EEEEEEEE!
Oh yeah, nearly forgot.. They said that Beauxbaton is a girl's school?? Huh?! There are boys there! I like the Durmstrang's cheer.. It's very cool to me.. Krum leading then later blowing the fire.. Haha.. Viktor is supposed to be kind of liking a low-profile type as he always goes to the library and immersed with books even though Hermione said he goes there to see her.. Awww.. So sweet!
Rita Skeeter was disappointing too.. The things she wrote was the same.. But there was no mentioning her as an Animagi.. She's a beetle.. Hermione caught her.. But no-nothing was said! I can understand if they do noe weigh the wands as it may be a bit unnecessary.. But then they assumed that Harry knew the Accio spell when he had a lot of difficulty with it..
There was 1 part I really enjoyed.. Dragons! Wosh! It's sooo damn cool.. The first task.. The only task I like.. Harry and the dragon was flying flying flying.. Before that, it was wierd that Hermione was in the Champions tent.. Tat wasn't mentioned anywhere in the book.. Viktor was already having a double-take at Hermione.. Lolx.. Haha! He got good taste I must say.. He sort of protected her when Rita Skeeter came in.. He said the tent is supposed to be for the Champions and their friends when Rita quesioned Hermione.. Hehehe!
SPEW leh? What about it? Winky and Dobby! The kitchens?! Haiz!
The yule ball was nice.. Not great.. Nice only.. The dance practice very funny! Ron was chosen to dance with McGonagall.. Hahaha! Then later Neville kept dancing.. Haha! Parvati was an Indian? Huh? Haha.. No offense.. I was just quite shocked.. Anyway, her sis is in Ravenclaw for gdness sake.. Not griffidor! So wad's she doing there.. LOLx.. Hermione was soooo chio at the yule ball! Really pretty.. I seldom praise a girl.. Haha.. Viktor is hot! Haha! They look good together.. They dance well too! Too bad he's only there in 1 book.. Fifth book only say this name twice by Hermione.. Haha..
The article Rita wrote came in at a very wierd time too.. It's supposed to come on pg 444.. easy to remember.. Haha.. After the second task.. But it came even before the Yule Ball.. Erm?! No one knew that Hermione is going with Viktor until the Ball starts.. Viktor is supposed to be quite jealous of Harry because of the article and even asked Harry about his relationship with Hermione on pg 480.. Also, after the 2nd task, he's the one who picked a water beetle in Hermione's hair.. Tat's Rita.. Haiz.. So wierd.. I like it when he transfigured into the shark's head and back.. Very funny.. Haha! The article also caused Mrs Weasley to give a chicken sized egg to Hermione and dragon sized eggs to Harry and Ron.. Lolx.. There was no mention about the parents of the champions.. I wanted to see Krum's and Fleur's parents.. Where's Bill and Charlie and Percy.. The whole Weasley family is supposed to appear in Book 4 as Bill will be meeting Fleur as she eyed Bill with interest.. Cute..
What's worst is that the whole Barty Crouch dying thing is wrong! Viktor was the one who asked Harry to go near the forest with him to ask about Hermione.. Then they saw Crouch near there.. Crouch wanted to c Dumbledore.. Then Harry went to find Dumbledore while Krum looked after Crouch for a while.. Also, they couldn't find Crouch's body.. He was transfigured into a bone and buried in front of Hagrid's house! Krum was stunned.. The movie said that Crouch was with Harry then suddenly he fell.. Erm.. Huh? It's so wrong.. The whole stupid movie is on Harry only.. So little being said bout the others..
The 3rd task is the worst.. Yuck.. Excuse me! There are supposed to be many obstacles to find the cup including monsters worst than dragons! Harry was supposed to c a boggart in the form of a Dementor, a Spinx and a large spider? None.. He even went to see what happen to Fleur? ??? He was supposed to feel a little happy that 1 champion down.. Viktor was under the Imperius Curse.. But then nothing was said who's the one controlling him.. Cedric seemed soooo lousy in the 3rd task.. He was screaming for help when some branches caught him.. Harry helped him, but he's also supposed to help Harry.. Tat's y they agreed to take the cup together..
The ending sucks too.. The return of Voltemort was ok but not the confession of fake Moody Mad-eye a.k.a. Jr Barty Crouch.. He's supposed to say everything that his dad and mum did in order to take him out of Azkaban and also how he did his job that well.. Quite stupid.. I was also disappointed when the movie ended just before Krum gave Hermione his address.. Haha.. Many girls would kill to get it.. Anyway, it's cute when Hermione said that all Krum see her do is study.. Haha.. He got good taste nevertheless.. However, Ron nv asked Viktor for his autograph.. Haiz.. The craze about Viktor Krum wasn't that great either.. Yeah, did saw a few girls chasing after her in the beginning.. Also, he dun look very surly.. Not that I'm complaining.. Haha..
Overall I give this movie 3 stars only.. I understand that the book is long and that many stuff had to be cut.. Thinkin on the bright side.. At least they didn't cut my fav chapter the Yule Ball.. However, I do not mind paying an extra few dollars to watch a more prolonged show.. It's bound to make money frm the Harry Potter fans anyway.. Are they gonna make the 5th movie.. It's gonna be real bad.. But I'm gonna watch it nevertheless.. Sorry I spoilt loads of things.. But then just didn't like to keep all these stuff in my heart or I can never sleep tonight.. Thinking and thinking..
Time ended : 2333
I wrote for so long.. What a lousy typist I am..

All Hail Britannia on Wednesday, November 16, 2005
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