













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


I'm An Idiot!
Time flies
I got a new handphone!
Wasn't what I thought
Harry Potter's coming to town!
Shocked shocked
I hate endings when people I like die.
Stupid Ending!
Bliss without her..

Pride & Prejudice

I just watched Pride and Prejudice at 1640 in Sun Plaza cinema.. It's awesome! Really is.. The whole movie is a love story.. It's super romantic.. Lolx.. Haha.. The story took place in a countryside.. Away from the busy town.. The sceneries are breath-taking.. Gorgeous.. I felt the movie is very good.. I'll give a 5*! Haha! Ok, I'm a hopeless romantic freak who loves happy endings.. This movie gave exactly what I wanted..
Elizabeth Bennet is pretty.. However, I still felt that Jane is prettier than her.. The way they make their hair for the balls is very nice and sofisticated.. All the curls and stuff (I nv like straight hair).. Mr Bingley is so cute.. Haha.. CUTE as in adorable, not drop-dead gorgeous.. I really like his character as the very jovial and nice and funny type.. Not really funny.. But seeing his face just makes anyone smile.. His hair's very funny.. As Jessica said, Curry-puff head.. Haha! More on the serious side.. His eyes are green.. Very nice green.. hmm.. Maybe it's just the fashion then.. Maybe.. I like Mr Darcy too! He's good looking when u see him longer.. My first impression was that he's sooooo solemn and stern.. Never can u see him smile.. He also seemed proud and arrogant.. But he said, his has this problem of not able to communicate with people he just met for the first time.. Cute isn't it.. He also look very intense.. Very.. Erm.. Now, off to the pathetic Mr Collins.. Haha.. He's the joke.. Vertically challenged.. Especially when u see him next to Mr Darcy (Wah!).. Then Duh he appeared.. Tat fickled minded ass actually wanted to have Jane as his wife.. Then when he knew that Jane was sort of engaged to Mr Bingley at that time, he immediately gave up and chose Elizabeth! Omg! Haha.. To make things worst.. Elizabeth is taller than him.. When they dance.. It's so.. Not-nice-to-see.. Then when Elizabeth rejected him (hurray!), he went off to find Elizabeth's friend..
There, Elizabeth was sitting on a swing? that went round and round.. I see already also giddy.. Oh yeah, haha! There's such a wierd thing.. They're allowed to go to these Lords' houses.. So funny.. As if no security.. U wanna live just go in.. Erm.. Haha.. I dun mind going in.. Especially Mr Darcy's house.. So nice! Then there's a self-scupture of himself in the art room.. There's a nice piano in one of the rooms.. Before I forget, his floor is like a chess-board.. black and white squares.. His ceiling is heavenly.. Beautiful!! There are also many chataeu there! So grand and nice! Wish I could go there!
Mr Darcy is very nice one! He was the one who was helping Elizabeth! When he proposed to her the first time, she was so damn shocked becuz she tot he disliked her and she had disliked him.. Guess it was a great shock.. It was under the heavy rain! Mr Darcy followed her all the way to the tower.. It could have been romantic if she accepted.. U know, heavy rains.. Cold.. Anyway, I was happy she accepted the 2nd time.. The words he said were soooo romantic.. My feelings have not changed since from last April.. If u were to agree, u'll fill me with body and soul.. (smth like tat..) Then he said, I love, I love, I love u! OMGOSH! So nice! I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy! Jessica too.. We were giggling.. Haha! Then I bought that they would finally kiss.. But it didn't happen.. Guess it's late 1700s.. Too conservative.. But finally, after they got married.. I loved the last part.. Lizzie for weekdays.. The pearl for Sundays.. i forgot 1 more.. Then Mrs Darcy if they're very contented and happy.. Then Mr Darcy said, Mrs Darcy.. Mrs Dracy.. Then! They finally kissed! First the forehead then the left cheek, nose, right cheek then Finally KISS! THE END!
I must be mad, u'll think.. But I came out of the cinema with a big smile plastered on my face.. Smiling like an idiot.. Haha! I dun mind! LOVE=PINK!

All Hail Britannia on Thursday, December 15, 2005
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