













Hueyeng's Shop-









Con Te Partiro


Time flies
I got a new handphone!
Wasn't what I thought
Harry Potter's coming to town!
Shocked shocked
I hate endings when people I like die.
Stupid Ending!
Bliss without her..
What is a war we must fight?

I'm An Idiot!

Time started: 0950
Omgosh! How thick can I be?! I've been finding a song which is in a cd I bought!! *Fainted* Tat stupid song.. The google search kept giving me stupid results since it's Gamble Rumble.. All it gave were online casinoes and stuff.. Duh.. Months.. I wasn't able to find tat song.. Then, I was lookin for cds to listen yesterday after listenin to the J pop 03 cd.. My eyes screened the table.. Oh there it is.. A forgotten CD I bought in sec school.. MVP Lovers OST.. An Idiotic me didn't even see there was tat song in it.. I was staring at the Do as Inifinty song Tangerine Dream.. I let the CD play.. Only until it played finish the 5th song.. Then it paused a while.. The reason I'll nv know.. Maybe God want to tell me to look at the 6th song title.. There it was.. GAMBLE RUMBLE! I went in a fit!! Why am I so stupid.. To find a song which I have in a CD I bought! Not burn.. But BOUGHT frm a store and it cost me bout $18 or $19!!!!! Cant forgive myself for being such as ass.. Thinking of it make me pissed all over again.. Arghh... Someone save me!
I'm dead shit.. Going off on Friday, which is like, just 3 more days.. Haven finish my Maths homework.. I chiong all my Bio homework finish in a day yesterday.. From morning to night.. Touched? Hahaha! I'm shocked by the amount of work I can do if I want to besides slacking off to watch anime.. *Oops* How can I say watching anime is slackin?! It takes a lot of energy too! 1 whole box take like 4 hrs plus.. Stamina is required.. Sitting on the sofa for 4 hrs straight is no mean fit.. Ok.. Back to homework.. I'm screwed for maths.. Have been staying up till 2-3 in the morning to try and do it.. I seem to be able to do maths questions at night than the day.. Guess I'm a wierdo.. Time is running out! I gotta finish tat stupid 5 Kingdoms mindmap today too.. Saying bye for now.. Add somemore tonight if I can..
Just realize that it's so early now.. Y am I awake? Becuz of JESSICA'S sms..
Time ended: 1007
Feeling so blue..
2nd half of the day
Time started: 1726
I feel so bloody hell lousy.. My rank dropped again!!! AGAIN! Frm gold battle axe which made me feel so pro.. To my usual Silver battle axe plus.. Now?? Silver Battle Axe only! What the heck! So lousy.. I lost all the games I played due to lousy team members and sometimes me.. They always go before the match end and then left me alone.. Furthermore, they dun follow strategies.. !!! Anyhow kill.. Then in the end lose.. I even had a knight for the first round I played and ended up bunging myself.. I'm a LOSER! GB dun feel so right for me already.. It's a game I used to love since I always win.. Then I quit playing because I always win.. Now, I kept losing.. 3 games straight lose.. Makes me sick! Ok.. I didn't play for very long and really lost my touch to it.. Lucky no one hacked my acc or smth or I'll be devastated.. I'm also bloody poor! 53k only.. WTH! I used to be so rich.. Wondered what I bought.. Playing by myself is boring.. Whenever St wanna play with me.. I'm either doing hw, watching vcd or jus doing something else.. I regretted.. I'm so lousy.. No one would want me on their team unlike last time.. My rank.. The rank I worked so hard.. Playing hours last time everyday for.. Even my blue ball is gone from the rank.. Depressed! Worthless! I SUCK!
Fioni had came to my house today for the peer tutoring thingy.. She commented that Weiling was a noob in Maple.. Now, I feel better.. At least I'm not tat lousy.. She said WL jumped like a noob and behave like a noob.. Haha.. When I saw, had to agree a little.. Haha.. The way she jump is a little funny and too cautious.. She's a mage.. Was hitting all the slimes in the tree.. Hahaha.. To be fair, I shall give GB 1 last chance.. I'll play my noob account.. If I still lose 3 in a row, I got a gd mind to quit GB for good.. It used to be my fave game.. I remembered, in sec 3.. Every friday night was GB night.. We would all play together.. Otherwise, when we c each other, we would team and trash the opponents.. Wish those days were still here..
Oh yeah! I saw GUNDAM SEED DESTINY 3rd vol out.. The cover is super damn cool.. Even though Kira's not my very fav character.. Athrun is.. Haha.. It's realy cool.. I also lost myself in the comics connection store.. The shop keeper must be think what was I doing there.. Haha.. I was staring at the tv.. Mouth slightly opened.. Watching Gundam seed.. or was it Destiny? I dunno.. It should be Destiny.. But there were so many scenes in Gundam Seed.. Most of them in fact.. Only tat Tat idioitc lookin chairperson and his wife Talis Glayds came out.. Then there was Cruz.. EEEEEE! I hate him! Tat twisted old clone.. He's not exactly old.. Just a figure of speech.. Oops.. So late le.. Gotta do my bio 5 kingdoms essay.. Bye!
Time ended: 1844

All Hail Britannia on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
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